J & B Cycle & Marine Ltd.

  • 950 Riverside Drive Rob Racine
    950 Riverside Drive
    Timmins, ON P4N 3W2 | Map
  • 705.267.1417 705.267.1417
  • Description One summer in 1970 a young entrepreneur named Bob McCluskey, along with the help of his older brother John, started selling British motorcycles ina 250 cu. ft building on 3rd Ave. What had started out as a summer job, Bob dedicated the next 38 years of his life to building a highly successful business; a business that has been recognized by many in the powersports industry as being one of the finest. A business appointed as 1 of the only 35 Yamaha 5 star dealerships in Canada along with numerous sales achievements awards. Many other product lines have come to see success under the J & B brand, over the years. Bayliner, Princecraft boats, Mercury, Mercruiser, Polaris ATV Ranger, Hydropool Hot tubs and East Traeger BBQ make up a complete menu selection of outdoor fun favorites.
  • http://www.jbcycle.com Visit Site
  • robr@jbcycle.com Send Message