Timmins Family Counselling Center Inc.

  • 60 Wilson Ave., Suite 310 Tania Duguay
    60 Wilson Ave., Suite 310
    Timmins, ON P4N 2S7 | Map
  • 705.267.7333 705.267.7333
  • Description

    The Timmins Family Counselling Center (TFCC) is a non-profit local organization in operation since 1979. Through the years, the Center has consistently pursued its objectives to develop new programs and hire fully qualified staff in order to better serve the City of Timmins and the surrounding communities. TFCC offers a wide range of bilingual and confidential services from individual, couple and family therapy; Partner Assault Response (PAR) program; Enhanced Counselling program; individual therapy for women healing from abuse (physical, sexual, emotional, spiritual, cultural, verbal, financial, etc.); individual counselling for women and for men who have experienced sexual abuse/assault; individual and group counselling for male survivors of sexual abuse and Employee Program (EAP) for various local businesses. These services are available to clients who are 12 years of age or older.

  • http://www.timminsfamilycounselling.com Visit Site
  • tduguay@timminsfamilycounselling.com Send Message